Baby David and I just returned from a week in California. We stayed with my parents (which is where we stayed right after David was born). It was hard at first, David missed the familiarity of home and the quiet. He was also on East Coast time, so he was awake and ready to start the day at 3am every morning. By the end of the week, he became accustomed to the big family and all the hub-bub that comes with it. Now, back at home, he looks around, wondering where everybody went.
While visiting, Baby David began laughing out loud. In fact he can get pretty loud at times, with joy or anger, he lets you know when he needs something.
I couldn't pick just a couple of pictures so enjoy: Baby David loved it when Great-Grandma Kay patty caked with him

, payed Dodger Stadium another visit, spent an evening visiting Grandma Mary and Grandpa Keith, had lunch with my girlfriends, partied at the Spagetthi Factory, visited Sheri and Hailey, and even spent the afternoon at Disneyland.
We had a wonderful time with all of you. We're looking forward to seeing you again in November. Unless of course you come to visit us :) before then.