Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More pictures from our visit to CA

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Visiting Family and Friends in CA

Baby David and I just returned from a week in California. We stayed with my parents (which is where we stayed right after David was born). It was hard at first, David missed the familiarity of home and the quiet. He was also on East Coast time, so he was awake and ready to start the day at 3am every morning. By the end of the week, he became accustomed to the big family and all the hub-bub that comes with it. Now, back at home, he looks around, wondering where everybody went.

While visiting, Baby David began laughing out loud. In fact he can get pretty loud at times, with joy or anger, he lets you know when he needs something.

I couldn't pick just a couple of pictures so enjoy: Baby David loved it when Great-Grandma Kay patty caked with him, payed Dodger Stadium another visit, spent an evening visiting Grandma Mary and Grandpa Keith, had lunch with my girlfriends, partied at the Spagetthi Factory, visited Sheri and Hailey, and even spent the afternoon at Disneyland.

We had a wonderful time with all of you. We're looking forward to seeing you again in November. Unless of course you come to visit us :) before then.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Baby David slept through the night last night. It was wonderful! Here he is napping already this morning. He does this almost every morning, but usually I am too groggy to do anything. Today it's a different story. Of course tomorrow we are traveling back to the West Coast for a much anticipated week long visit. So this may only be a one night thing, but hopefully when we return this will become more routine :)

Can't wait to see everyone in CA! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

David at 3 months old

My little guy is 3 months old! Time goes by so fast, he is getting so big. Baby David loves to bounce in his bouncey seat, but now he really enjoys the aquarium attatchment. Everytime he kicks the seahorse it makes bubbles in the aquarium. He is learning something new everyday. Today he discovered if he kicked it slowly he could reach out and grab it with his hand. He loves to gurgle and goo as he watches the bubbles and fishies. We think he's going to be a marine biologist when he grows up. He is such a joy to take care of.

David is also starting to enjoy his tummy time more. He loves to spread out and kick around. I help him roll over and cheer him on when he is on his tummy. Thanks to the Bohn family for the perfect quilt for David to roll around on. Tomorrow, we plan on making the hour + drive into Concord to have his first official portrait done.

This last week I took David to a playgroup for babies at the local library. This was the first time I met some other people my age. It was nice to talk to other moms with infants. A couple of the ladies also recently moved to the area, so we had some in common. This will help me get out more often and put David on some sort of a schedule. I plan on taking him to the group on Mondays and Fridays. By the way, he was the only baby boy, so he has quite a few little girl friends in this group.
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Visiting Maryland & D.C.

This last week we spent some time with our only other friends on the east coast, Jen and Randy. We flew down to Maryland, David got his own seat on the plance, and rented a minivan (they upgraded us for free!) It was so much fun to drive around all together. Jen and Randy have two little ones, Annelise 5 months and Danny who just turned 3, so we had a party van. We had many fun adventures, but some of the best times were just hanging around their house and watching the kids interact. Annelise, Danny and David were troopers in the van as we went to the Baltimore Aquarium, University of Maryland (where Randy is a professor!), and of course shopping, shopping, shopping. Jennifer and I hit a couple of malls with the kids while Randy and Andrew got some work done. In the evenings we took turns having date nights, it was nice to have babysitters again and Jen and I even went out for a girls night out.

On the weekend we ventured into Washington D.C. I can't believe how close they live to our nation's capital. It was truly amazing to see the sights. The White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monutment, etc. These are the places I taught my students about and there I was looking at them first hand. Everyone needs to experience it for themselves. The best thing of all, all the sightseeing is free!!! All the Smithsonian museums are free. We only had a chance to see the National Air and Space Museum, but there will be more trips to follow.

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