On Saturday we (yes, Andrew actually took some time off) went to David's little friend's 1st birthday. It was really nice weather and lots of fun to meet our friends' family. Most of them made the trek from New York, it made me miss my family too. Dani was a perfect birthday girl, partying so hard until she fell asleep sitting on the couch. David had fun playing with all her toys, especially chicken suit Elmo.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Lupe and Lauren visit
I was very proud of myself, a week ago I drove through the crazy, windy, rainy Nor'easter to pick up friends from the airport. I wouldn't do it for just anyone, but for Lupe and Lauren, it was a no brainer. We had pretty stormy weather during their stay, but still managed to go on a few adventures. They had just returned from two weeks in Europe, so Hanover was just the right speed for them. It was so nice to relax and catch up with each others' lives. It was really fun to hear all their travel stories and it was really nice to have other adults to talk to during the day. We spent most of our time chatting and eating here at home and around town. On Wednesday, Andrew took a little time off work and we all spent one night out in Boston. We visited Salem, cute little town, witch trials and all. We again spent most of the time relaxing in the hotel, eating and playing cards after David went to sleep. The next day we planned to hit a tour in Boston, but as always there was construction in the city and we never made the tour. Someday we'll figure out this city. Regardless our time with precious friends was wonderful and we miss them dearly. Baby David is awaiting his next set of visitors!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Lisa and Tiana visit
We have been so lucky to have several visitors this spring. Unfortunately, they have not been as lucky with the weather. It seems live every time someone is flying in, another snowstorm heads our way. A week and a half ago Lisa, my friend and coworker from Ceres and her friend Tiana stayed with us during their tour of the area. David was excited to have more people at the house and was sad when they left. We braved the snow to go out for breakfast at Lou's before they headed to Vermont, Maine, and later Boston. Hearing about how much they can do in a week reminds me of our travels before David, we move much slower now!

Andrew's Bday and Easter
Being so far from home, birthdays and holidays have become very important family days. I took Andrew out for his birthday and we appreciated all the cards and calls. We partied all weekend and even planned more fun for Easter, unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. Due to the long winter, snow on Easter, after church we stayed indoors, but were thankful for family nonetheless.

David at 9 months
Yes, I know this is old, but I finally have some time, and my computer back. We have been busy with visitors, more posts to follow, and enduring the long. long winter. David is taking it all in stride. He is loving life, excited about familiar faces and really likes playing with his dad. Andrew is very busy, but always makes time for his little lumpkin. The first picture is on the day we were taking his 9 months old picture and the second he is playing with his rubber ducky. I will also include a video of him playing with his daddy and you can hear him giggling and screaming with delight.
Monday, April 02, 2007
More pictures of family fun
The Valenzuelas do New Hampshire
We had such a wonderful visit with all of my family. As you read in the previous post, we had a lot of snow for Marissa and Andrew to play in at first, but by the middle of the week the thaw began and we saw much nicer weather. Marissa was still out there on whatever patch she could find to slide down. The rest of us stayed warm indoors just catching up and spending fun times together relaxing, celebrating birthdays and of course eating! I miss my mom's food and we got our fill along with all our favorite local food as well as a trip to the Ben and Jerry's factory in Vermont. I miss everyone almost as much as the Baby David misses you.

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