Our Baby David is growing so much! He turned

2 months on August 3rd. He is so much fun to be around. Andrew is officially in love with him. He can't get any work done when David smiles and gurgles at him. Most of the time he is very content. He loves his swing and bouncy seat. It is fun to watch as he discovers new things, like his own hands and feet. Sometimes he stares at them for a long time. During tummy time he is more intersted in chewing on his hand than anything else. David adores his little elephant. It has crinkly ears and rattle hands and is very colorful (thanks Don and Nancy Howe). I enjoy seeing him play with it and discover all the things it can do.
Last Monday he had his 2 month appointment. He is growing and gaining weight. He weighs 12 pounds 12 oz. and is 24 in long. Unfortunately he still has a stuffy nose, had it for about 3 weeks, and has been a bit fussy. After his shots he got a little worse so we went back to the doctors. He has a slight ear infection and could possibly be teething early. Oh the joys of parenthood.
1 comment:
What a cutie! Can't wait to see him (and you guys!) on Tuesday.
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