Our Baby David is 6 months old! He is so much fun. I took him to his 6 month appointment last week and he did great. He now weighs 16 1/2 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches long. The doctor said he is healthy and thriving and ready for the next milestone, eating solids. We are planning to start this week, Andrew is building the high chair as I type.
David is enjoying life. He keeps me busy and company, as Andrew is pulling long days and nights so that he can take as much time off as possible when we are in CA and Hawaii. David loves exersaucing and his leapstart toy (see picture). He tries to chew on all of his toys, so everything is slobbery. During tummy time David loves to roll onto his back. If I distract him with toys he will stay on his tummy and wiggles around. I help him practice rolli
ng over from back to tummy, he gets halfway over and then just gives up. He cracks us up. In the morning he wakes up chatty and makes all sorts of noises. When we go to pick him up he is super smiley and shows off his two little teeth. After his feedings he gives me the same content smile, but I still can't get a good picture. We'll try to capture the moment when it happens, more to follow.
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