Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Valenzuelas and the St. Patrick's Nor'easter

Last Friday my whole family was supposed to arrive for a week long visit, when the Northeast's weather reared its ugly head. My brother Daniel arrived first, his plane made it just before the storm. We got out of Boston just in time, the storm was right behind us. As we pulled in to our driveway the snow slowly started. His girlfriend, Michelle was close behind him on the next flight, but it was sent into Portland, Maine because the weather in Boston was too snowy. As we watched the news and checked the status of the following two flights, my brother Anthony and his wife on a Jetblue flight and my parents (who have never been on a plane before), Marissa (also her first flight) and sisiter Mari on a Delta flight both due out Friday night arriving Saturday morning. Both of those flights were canceled eventually. The Delta flight was able to be rescheduled for Monday night but Anthony and Awnie couldn't get a flight until Tuesday (with many connections). They instead embarked on an adventure. There were open seats on a flight to DC, so they decided to rent a vehicle and drive to us in New Hampshire. It was quite an adventure, as they plowed through several states and also drove through parts of the storm. Meanwhile Michelle was stuck in Maine for the night, was flown back to Boston in the morning and then caught a bus for the rest of the trip, finally arriving Saturday afternoon. Anthony and Awnie arrived later that evening at about 8pm. Finally on Tuesday morning after a safe uneventful flight the last group arrived. On the upside, we have about a foot and a half of fresh snow for Marissa to play and sled in to her heart's content. I will write more soon and put up pictures of all our adventures.

Monday, March 05, 2007


This past weekend we worked on getting David to sleep through the night. The first night was very hard for me, we had to let him cry for about an hour and then again another half an hour or so. Eventually I fell asleep and I guess he did too, but he was just as happy as ever the next day (I though he might be grumpy at me, but he loves me no matter what). Last night we did much better (it really is harder on me than on him :) He woke up a couple of times but maybe cried only 15 minutes or so. It was a big difference for me. I feel more rested than I have been since before he was born. I hope I didn't jinx us by talking about our early success.

by the way, my computer is down for the count so I will post some new pics and video as soon as I can, David is such a character at 9 months.