Monday, March 05, 2007


This past weekend we worked on getting David to sleep through the night. The first night was very hard for me, we had to let him cry for about an hour and then again another half an hour or so. Eventually I fell asleep and I guess he did too, but he was just as happy as ever the next day (I though he might be grumpy at me, but he loves me no matter what). Last night we did much better (it really is harder on me than on him :) He woke up a couple of times but maybe cried only 15 minutes or so. It was a big difference for me. I feel more rested than I have been since before he was born. I hope I didn't jinx us by talking about our early success.

by the way, my computer is down for the count so I will post some new pics and video as soon as I can, David is such a character at 9 months.

1 comment:

Ian Batstone said...

Duerme con los angelitos. Pobrecitos.