Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jen and Annelise visit

This week, we had a wonderful time with our visitors. Jen and Anneliese made the trek up north to hang out with us. It was really great to see our little ones interact and play together. David was so excited to have a real live baby in the house, he would squeal out with excitement just to get her attention. We tried to keep both babies happy and well rested and still managed to do some sight seeing and eating in town, cheese and maple sugar tasting in Vermont, and we even went to see John Edwards speak in the next town over. Although it was nice to have a playmate for David in the house, the best part was having Jen around to talk to, watch TV with and just hang out. We miss you guys, can't wait to see you again.

at the John Edwards rally

Sugarbush farm

a little video of them playing

1 comment:

Jen said...

Love the video... and Annelise's grab for David's toy. She is used to duking it out with Danny! We had such a great visit and can't wait to see you again!