Last week we spent some time thawing out in California. David was in heaven. Every morning he would walk his cousin to school. What a treat, to be able to walk out the front door minus, the coat, snowsuit, boots, hat, and so on. He loved walking around, looking at cars that drove by and just enjoying the sunshine. Well, we appreciated that too, trying to get our fill of vitamin D. We had the incredible opportunity to take David to Disneyland. We had so much visiting Mickey Mouse in his home and playing in Goofy's Park. David's favorite was riding the big choo choo all around the park. He was also very excited to see the parade at the end of the day. As we settle in back to life in New Hampshire, fighting sicknesses and 1 degree days with wind chill, we imagine ourselves sipping lemonade and sitting poolside cheering Marissa on at swim practice. We miss you all, not just the weather.

poolside, cheering Marissa on at swim practice

David is not too sure about his first ride on Casey Jr.

a bit overwhelmed at Mickey's

tons of fun at Goofy's Park

can you tell they are cousins? enjoying the parade

our first flying experience

fun shopping experience with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Keith

goofing with Grandpa at his Bday celebration
Looks like you guys had lots of fun! Reminds me of how much I miss Southern California (and your family, too!).
Well said.
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