At the beginning of July, the reality of having two children really hit us. The rest of our family needed to return to California and we were on our own. David really misses the extra playmates and attention and Andrew really misses my mom's cooking. I miss it all, but this is what real life is. We are very glad that David's school (Toddler Morning Out) had a summer program for the month of July, 3 mornings a week I have a little break. The first day of TMO went way better then expected. My mom was still here so Andrew and I were able to take him together and leave Isa at home. David had no problem staying, he was totally entertained by the train table, he didn't even notice us leave. Andrew and I enjoyed a nice breakfast date without any calls from his school. Now every school day I just tell him get your backpack it's time to go to school, he rushes to the door, puts on his cap and backpack and stands by the door. David really enjoys going to a place that is just for him, such a big boy!

first day of school project

love my backpack!

Cousin Marissa reads bedtime stories
on her last night in town
Goodbye Cousin, miss you!
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