Thursday, May 31, 2007

David at Daddy's work

After the Obama rally, David and I walked Andrew to his office and hung out for awhile. They have a "robot pen" with toys where their robots do some of their learning. David thought it was a perfect play area for him.

Obama rally

Last Monday, we went to see another presidential candidate, Barack Obama. He was on campus at Dartmouth and he drew quite the crowd. There were about 10 times more people there than at the Jon Edwards event. We came a little late, we let David take as long a nap as possible, but heard most of what he had to say. David was on his best behavior, but it was way too crowded to get close. I did see him kiss a baby, too bad ours is way to heavy to hold out for him, he chilled in the stroller with Daddy most of the time. It's such a great experience to be in New Hampshire during a primary year, hopefully this will motivate me to get more involved and help make a difference.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jen and Annelise visit

This week, we had a wonderful time with our visitors. Jen and Anneliese made the trek up north to hang out with us. It was really great to see our little ones interact and play together. David was so excited to have a real live baby in the house, he would squeal out with excitement just to get her attention. We tried to keep both babies happy and well rested and still managed to do some sight seeing and eating in town, cheese and maple sugar tasting in Vermont, and we even went to see John Edwards speak in the next town over. Although it was nice to have a playmate for David in the house, the best part was having Jen around to talk to, watch TV with and just hang out. We miss you guys, can't wait to see you again.

at the John Edwards rally

Sugarbush farm

a little video of them playing

I love my swing!

The weather has been nicer and we have been out more often. One of my pet peeves here is the lack of playgrounds, so we bought David an early birthday gift, his own swing. He absolutely loved it, I promise this video is much less traumatic.

First Haircut

Last weekend we took David in for his first haircut. His hair was getting scraggly in the back and around his ears and some people even thought he was a girl, strange, but ok I guess, since he usually is wearing navy blue or other boyish colors. Anyways, the whole experience was pretty traumatic, but it all worked out. The people were really nice and one lady entertained him while someone else helped me hold him while the girls cut what she could. Andrew was able to get some of the action before they started his cut, here he is with his big puppy dog tears.

big tears

Daddy knows how to make it all better

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day

This weekend we traveled south to Massachusetts. Along the way, as we entered civilization we stopped at a Costco, Target and Toys r us. David was such a trooper. When we got to the hotel, he took a nap and we were off to the mall. The next day we planned on exploring Boston, but instead went to Concord, MA and spent the day at Minuteman National Park. We walked across the bridge where the American Revolution first started and listened to a man dressed up with a musket and full garb. After teaching about our nation's history, it was amazing to be at a place like this. The weather was wonderful and Andrew and David were on their best behavior. I really couldn't ask for a better Mother's Day.

the bridge were it all began

they look so much alike!
Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Face plant

I was trying to make a video of David and all of his movement. He goes to all fours from a sitting position, pretty exciting. But like I said, he freezes up whenever the camera comes out. He also gets really excited and blabs a lot. In this clip he starts up, but then takes a little spill :(

Funny face

Lately, I've been trying to take some pictures of David for his birthday invite. It has been quite difficult. Unfortunately he takes after me, David's eyes are closed or looking down or away. When he doesn't do that, he squints his eyes as if he's anticipating the flash. He even does this whenever he sees the camera. It really is a silly face. Here's a few of the mishaps:

cheezy smile

anticipated squinting

great shot, but looking down

silly boy!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

David at 10 months

Now that David is almost 11 months, I remembered that we need an update on our little man. At his last appointment he weighed in at 20.5 pounds, he's a solid nugget (which happens to me his latest nickname "nugget"). David loves other kids! If we are shopping and he sees another one in a cart, he just about freaks out, jumping, dancing, laughing, anything to get the other child's attention. He is also quite the eater, some of his favorites are egg yolk, bananas, and boca burgers. I've noticed that he recognizes people pretty well. He responds differently to strangers vs. those he is familiar. As for moving around, he is not officially crawling, but he knows how to scootch and roll all over the floor. Lately we have been spending more time outside, the weather is finally warm enough, going for walks and exploring our neighborhood. His favorite time of day is when Daddy comes home. Nobody can make him smile like him.

out for an afternoon stroll