Saturday, November 20, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year we had a ridiculously cold Halloween. It actually snowed on us. Unfortunately, I was a slacker with pictures, maybe I was just trying to keep us all warm, but I did take the kids for an actual professional photo earlier in the month and will scan in when I get a chance. Our three are in the middle of the couch, David as Buzz Lightyear, Isa as Jessie the cowgirl (she still runs around yodeling and saying giddy up) and Gabby as our pink princess. Thanks to my friends who did take a few pictures.

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Pumpkin Festival

This past October over Columbus Day weekend, we spent the day at Cedar Circle Farm choosing our pumpkins. It was yet another beautiful fall day!
Isa takes a rest on her chosen pumpkin.

David also takes a break.
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Beautiful Fall Day

All three enjoying the sunshine, before all the leaves had fallen in October.
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