Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Day After the Nor'Easter

On Thursaday the snow finally stopped. It really is beautiful to look at everything completely covered in fresh white snow, well as long as you don't have to go anywhere in a hurry. Andrew had to do a lot of shoveling before he could go to work, as did our whole neighborhood. The snow plow doesn't do a very good job in our area, so it's a good thing Andrew has four-wheel drive. Since David is still sick we just went out for a quick errand across the street, that was scary enough. The plowed snow is stacked so high it creates extra blind spots and since it is the first big snow in a while you have to be extra careful. I made a wrong turn becauseit was hard to recognize a street vs. a driveway. Here are a few more pics of our extra snowy world.

Our cars

You can see how much accumulated on our trash can

My hero, shoveling away

It's a lot of work

Even my car got covered as the snow was blowing sideways

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