Monday, October 08, 2007

Democratic Debate at Dartmouth

A couple of weeks ago all of the Democratic candidates came to Dartmouth for a debate. We didn't get tickets for the debate, but David and I met some friend out on the Green to check out all the media in our small town. There was a huge political demonstration area, along with signs, banners, and chanting. We were in the background of Hardball as it was taping live as well as several other local news channels. As I was walking around the Green looking for our friends, we ran into Joe Biden! Rumor had it that most of the non-leading candidates were milling around town, but Obama, Hillary, and Edwards were too big of a security problem to allow that.


Jen said...

Hmmmm... are you making a statement by placing two adorable kids in front of the Clinton group?

Ian Batstone said...

WOohoo! More Christian democrats! You guys are such rebels!